Modbus Communication Between Two Machines

Modbus communication protocol is widely used in industrial automation to allow electronic devices to communicate with each other. It is a simple and efficient way for devices to exchange data over serial lines. In this article, we will delve into the basics of Modbus communication between two machines.

What is Modbus?

Modbus is a communication protocol developed in the late 1970s for industrial automation and control systems. It has since become a standard communication protocol used in a wide range of applications, from manufacturing to energy management systems.

Modbus uses a master-slave architecture, where one device (the master) initiates communication with one or more other devices (the slaves). The master device sends a request to read or write data, and the slave device responds to the request.

Types of Modbus Communication

There are two main types of Modbus communication: Modbus RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) and Modbus ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). Modbus RTU is the most commonly used version, as it is faster and more efficient than Modbus ASCII.

Modbus Communication Between Two Machines

When two machines communicate using Modbus, one machine acts as the master, while the other machine acts as the slave. The master device sends a request to read or write data to the slave device, which then responds with the requested information.

Benefits of Modbus Communication

  • Simplicity: Modbus is a simple and easy-to-implement protocol, making it popular in the industrial automation industry.

  • Compatibility: Modbus is widely supported by a variety of devices and equipment, making it a versatile choice for communication.

  • Reliability: Modbus communication is known for its reliability and robustness, making it suitable for critical industrial applications.


Modbus communication between two machines is a reliable and efficient way for electronic devices to exchange data in industrial settings. Understanding the basics of Modbus protocol and how it works can help in implementing effective communication between machines, and enhancing automation and control processes.

If you're working in the industrial automation field, familiarizing yourself with Modbus communication can be a valuable skill that will enable you to optimize communication between devices and systems.

Do you have any questions or experiences with Modbus communication to share? Feel free to leave a comment below!

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