How to identify your leadership style

Effective leadership is a cornerstone of success in any organization, guiding teams towards shared goals, fostering innovation, and inspiring growth. Every leader possesses a unique leadership style that influences their interactions, decision-making, and overall impact on the team. Identifying your leadership style is a crucial step towards enhancing your leadership capabilities, recognizing your strengths, and leveraging them to empower those around you. Let's delve into the process of discovering and understanding your leadership style.

  1. Self-Assessment and Reflection: Begin by reflecting on your experiences, values, and beliefs about leadership. Consider your preferred approaches to communication, decision-making, conflict resolution, and team collaboration. Identify situations where you felt most effective as a leader and the strategies that resonated with you.

  2. Seek Feedback and Input: Collect feedback from colleagues, mentors, or team members about your leadership style. Ask for honest assessments of your strengths, areas for improvement, and how they perceive your leadership approach. External perspectives can offer valuable insights into your leadership impact and behaviors.

  3. Explore Leadership Models and Theories: Familiarize yourself with different leadership models, theories, and frameworks to gain a deeper understanding of leadership styles. Explore concepts such as transformational leadership, servant leadership, situational leadership, and adaptive leadership to identify the characteristics that align with your natural tendencies.

  4. Assess Leadership Traits and Behaviors: Evaluate your leadership traits, behaviors, and tendencies to pinpoint your dominant leadership style. Are you more directive and authoritative, focusing on task accomplishment? Or do you prioritize collaboration, empathy, and relationship-building in your leadership approach? Recognizing your core leadership traits can clarify your style.

  5. Understand Situational Leadership: Acknowledge that effective leadership often requires adapting to different situations and contexts. Your leadership style may vary based on the needs of the team, the complexity of the task, and the stage of the project. Embracing situational leadership means being flexible and adjusting your approach as circumstances evolve.

  6. Embrace Authenticity and Growth: Embrace authenticity in your leadership style by staying true to your values, vision, and principles. Authentic leadership resonates with others and fosters trust and respect within the team. Additionally, commit to continuous learning, growth, and development as a leader. Seek opportunities for training, mentorship, and feedback to refine your leadership skills.

  7. Develop a Leadership Philosophy: Articulate your leadership philosophy, encompassing your purpose, values, and vision as a leader. Define what leadership means to you, how you aim to inspire and empower those you lead, and the legacy you aspire to leave behind. A clear leadership philosophy serves as a compass for guiding your actions and decisions.


Identifying your leadership style is an ongoing journey of self-discovery, reflection, and growth. By understanding your unique strengths, preferences, and values as a leader, you can cultivate a leadership approach that resonates with your authentic self and empowers others to excel. Whether you lean towards being a visionary, coach, strategist, or relationship builder, embracing your leadership style can enhance your impact, influence, and effectiveness in leading with purpose and passion.

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