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1. Increasing Demand for Microsoft Excel Professionals

While there are IT jobs for which the demand dopped by up to 35% (due to exponential automation and rise of cloud-based solutions), the demand for Excel Professionals is still increasing. This happens, as there are data tailoring needs for most of the companies.

If automation is turning human interaction into data-based software or machine learning, then the business interpretation becomes an absolute must.

2. More Job Opportunities requiring EXCEL

Naturally, as the demand for Microsoft EXCEL Professionals is increasing, also the number of job openings in increasing.

Most wanted jobs that that Require EXCEL Skills are:

  • Administrative Assistant

  • Accountant

  • Financial Analyst

  • Business Analyst

  • Project Manager

  • Retail Manager

  • Sales Manager

Of, course, the level of EXCEL expertise and the specific skills might be different from one of these roles to the other ones, but at the end of the day, you should know the basics of EXCEL + a few medium/advances functions/functionalities.

3. Higher earning potential

Many jobs that require Excel skills come with higher salaries and better benefits. EXCEL skills can open up new career opportunities and help you advance in your current career.

Asking an employer for a higher salary or raise might not be the smartest solution while proving to them that your EXCEL skills and competencies could bring extra value for the company…well, that could bring a higher salary or raise to you.

4. You get a consistent competitive advantage

There is a consistent lack of EXCEL Professionals. If you master EXCEL, you can easily get yourself a position on top of your competitor that might have longer experience and additional skills, but not know EXCEL well or at all.

5. Increased productivity

Starting with the basics - such as predefined fields with different functions - and going up to the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications, or simply coding in EXCEL), you can not only increase your employer’s productivity but also your own productivity. On EXCEL MAGO, we have videos about how to play with EXCEL Automation, and on the YOUTUBE VIP AREA we constantly upload automation files (with and without VBAs) that you can use personally or professionally for FREE.

6. Better organization

EXCEL is a very powerful tool when it comes to organizing, structuring, and prioritizing things based on available data. You can easily consolidate data (even from multiple sources), and get a structure that could be scaled up or down, depending on your needs.

7. Increased accuracy

Sharing your own opinion it’s great when interacting with others, but when it comes to decisions, it’s a bit different.

Imagine 2 scenarios:

SCENARIO 1: You want to propose and sustain a decision - in your personal or professional life - that is yours, is innovative, and you feel that it could work well once implemented. And, you approach others by saying “I think that”, “I consider that”, and “If we implement that, we could…”. In this scenario, there is a quite significant chance of not having it implemented, or encountering different blockers.

SCENARIO 2: You want to propose and sustain a decision - in your personal or professional life - that is yours, is innovative, and you have data that shows the positive impact that it could have once implemented. You start by analyzing historical data and collecting pain points, you submit your own idea to data analytics, forecasting, and risk mitigation calculations. Then, you prepare your plan by writing the benefits for the implementation, and your risk mitigation calculations, and you add your data as proposal support. You present to your audience an outstanding presentation, backed up with data. Your chances for success, upon this scenario, will be quite high.

8. Numerous choices for Future Growth

No matter which is your main purpose for using EXCEL, or your business segment, your choices of future growth with EXCEL are endless.

Just to give you an imaginary example, you start by creating an EXCEL to index your books or food in the fridge, you apply it to your work, and then you might become a sales manager, or even the CEO of your company.

9. You can become an EXCEL GURU, and make a lot of money with it

As soon as people realize that you are mastering EXCEL, they will start to reach you out whenever they have a question about EXCEL or to ask for your opinion about their own EXCEL files.

At that stage, you might call yourself an EXCEL Guru, and that could open you the door to teaching EXCEL for a quite high price.

We, at EXCEL MAGO, we offer all the EXCEL videos and EXCEL files for FREE, even though we know the current pricing for such services.

In your case, you could invoice everything and create an extra income layer based on your EXCEL knowledge.

10. Upgrading your way of thinking

As soon as you work a bit more with EXCEL functions — such as IF series, AND, OR, etc. — you might notice that the way of thinking changes a bit (in a good way). Constant practice of EXCEL might help you make mental analysis and somehow get to predict the future (in some way) by mentally forecasting data, and making series of THEN….. Some people might not understand how you are right a lot frequently, and you could keep your secret for yourself, EXCEL mindset.


Mastering EXCEL could be a life changer for you. EXCEL could open you doors, get you promoted, with a higher pay or with a promotion. We know very well that the path is not very easy, but we have EXCEL MAGO to make you grow at a fire-speed, while having fun. At least this is how we see it here, at FIREMAGOS.

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